
Who is this course for?
This course is for anyone who is interested in creative media production, music production, on-screen skills (acting, presentation), marketing or digital design, basically any role that will enable you to work in the media, film, or high-end television.

What are the entry requirements for the course?
Minimum of 5 GCSEs at grade 4 (grade C) or above. One of these must be either English Language or Maths and another should be in a creative subject.

How long is this course?
This is a two-year full time course, starting in September and ending in June.

What will I study on this course?
You will study a wide range of subjects covering both the practical and theoretical aspects of creative practice. You will begin with a skills development project, where you will learn the basics of the production equipment and software, and the creative processes and techniques use across creative industries. Alongside these skills, you will develop research, communication, on-screen skills, marketing, project management, and promotional skills.

As well as the core learning, you will have the opportunity to undertake more specialist roles in some group projects for example, technical production, sound design, script writing and performance, or marketing and management.

In the second year, there are greater opportunities to specialise within a chosen area. You will undertake independent research projects during which you will develop a deeper understanding and higher level skills in a specialist area. You will then apply this knowledge to your final major project.

Throughout the course there will be a mixture of independent learning and collaborative learning and you will have the opportunity to work with outside agencies, on live briefs, and take part in competitions and community events.

Subjects may vary but typically a student will learn:

- Video production skills including virtual production
- Audio production skills
- Music production skills
- Photography skills
- Marketing and promotional skills
- Research skills
- Acting to camera and presentation skills
- Design and digital graphics skills.

What Qualification will I gain?
UAL Extended Diploma in Creative Practice (equivalent to 3 A levels for a total of 72-168 UCAS points, depending of grade achieved)

Will I go out on work experience?
Throughout the course there will be the opportunity to work on live client briefs and undertake a work placement. You will also have the opportunity to take part in competitions, Island wide events, and the end of year exhibition.

What does this course lead on to?
Progression is either to degree level study or employment.

How much will it cost?
There are no fees for this course

An off-island study trip may be planned – subject to costs and numbers.

How can I find out more?
For further information, please contact the Highlands College Admissions team on: 608582 or email:
Full Time Applications on fulltimeapplications@highlands.ac.uk

Additional Information
All 6th form courses are subject to minimum enrolment numbers. Where a course does not meet the required number, it will be reluctantly cancelled for that academic year. Affected applicants will be contacted and offered a transfer to another course if a suitable one is available.

Anyone who has been out of education for longer than 6 months will be invited for interview. Following interview, the application will be referred to a review panel.

International students should contact Jersey Immigration on immigration@gov.je Immigration For further information, before making an application.

34 weeks
Sue Diggle
HighlandsCollege-Media Block

If you are enquiring for, applying to or enrolling on this course for yourself, please click the appropriate button below.

The leading provider of Adult & Community Education on the island.

The majority of our courses are delivered at our dedicated Adult Education Centre during the day and some evening classes too with parking outside.

Whatever you want to do to enhance your skills, learn something or achieve a qualification you will find it at ACE.

The Adult & Community Education (ACE) programme is only available to students who are no longer in compulsory education and are aged 18 or over.

You can book and pay for your ACE course online!

  1. Go to www.highlands.ac.uk and click on ACE Leisure Courses
  2. Create your personal account by clicking Request Account. (If you already have a personal account, log in with your username and password)
  3. Click on the course titles that interest you for more information. You can filter your search by subject or day.
  4. If you wish to enrol on a course, add your chosen course to your basket and follow the payment process.
  • Use a MasterCard, Visa or Maestro credit or debit card online
  • Supply mastercard, visa or Maestro credit or debit card information over the telephone or by person only. It is no longer acceptable to take written note of your card details.
  • Pay by cheque. Cheques should be made out to “Treasurer of the States”. If you are applying for more than one course please enclose separate cheques for each. This will enable us to return fees for courses that are already full and still process other applications without delay. Post your form and cheque to Highlands College – Student Records, Highlands Lane, St Saviour JE1 1HL.
Unfortunately, no. You will not have your application confirmed until payment is received in full. Remember payment can be made via credit card, cheque, postal order or, if applying in person, in cash.
All ACE course fees include your tuition and a registration fee. They may also include a contribution towards the cost of demonstration materials, venue rental, handouts, artist models, equipment or assessment fees. PLEASE NOTE: be prepared to supply materials in addition to your course fees depending on your course, for example flowers, cooking ingredients, art and craft materials or specialist clothing.
ACE courses vary in length from half-day workshops to one academic year. The majority of courses follow an academic timetable and may include half-term, bank holiday or other breaks.
We make every effort to avoid doing this, but occasionally it is necessary. This is why it is vitally important for us to have your current telephone numbers or e-mail address in order that we can contact you as speedily as possible. If you have a mobile telephone number, we will use a text message service to inform you of any changes to your course. If the change is not acceptable to you, a full refund will be issued. Please note, our text message service is a non-reply service.
The Adult & Community Education (ACE) programme is only available to students aged 18 or over. (Unless specified in the course information).
Applications for Adult & Community Education (ACE) leisure courses are accepted on a first come, first served basis on receipt of the fees. If the wait list is sufficiently large and additional tutors and facilities are available another course may be set up, for which you will be offered a place.
If you are aged 60 or over, an automatic concession is applied to your course fee on application.
A minimum enrolment number is required to recover the full costs of providing a course. If numbers of students fail to reach this minimum we reluctantly cancel it. Applicants are provided with a full refund or a transfer to another suitable course if one is available.
Unfortunately, we only offer a refund if a course has been cancelled by Highlands College. Circumstances such as illness, work commitments or leaving the Island are not considered for refunds. Course places cannot be deferred to another term and are not transferable to another person.
Highlands Professional courses offers a range of professional qualifications to enhance your career opportunities.